Proposed Temporary Turbidity Increase in Wyoming’s Muddy Creek
A recent press release from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) stated that the Wyoming Game and Fish Department requested a temporary increase in turbidity in Muddy Creek near Buffalo, Wyoming.
The temporary increase in turbidity is connected to channel restoration.
This request would exceed the normal limit by 5 NTUs (the metric used to measure turbidity). Approval of this request would allow an exceedance of the normal limit for up to 15 working days, subject to monitoring and reporting.
If approved, this activity will follow the procedures in Chapter 1 Section 23(c)(ii), of the WDEQ Water Quality Rules, which allow for temporary elevated levels of turbidity in certain circumstances. The applicant has applied for a a U.S. Army Corps of Engineer 404 permit for the project.
Direct all questions or requests for information about the proposed temporary turbidity increase to Eric Hargett by email: or phone: (307) 777-6701. Written comments must be addressed to Eric Hargett, Wyoming DEQ/WQD, 200 W. 17th Street–4th floor, Cheyenne, WY 82002, and be postmarked on or before 5:00 p.m. on July 21, 2022 to be considered.
Electronic comments may only be submitted through and accepted by the Wyoming DEQ comment portal provided at Phone comments will not be accepted.