Natrona County Arrest Log (8/30/21 – 9/1/21)
This log may not reflect all arrests for this time period. For example, police will not release any information about juvenile arrests. State law prohibits any official from identifying a person accused of a sex crime until the defendant is arraigned in district court.
Everyone listed here is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The charges listed here are what the arresting agency has recommended to the Natrona County District Attorney's Office. However, formal charges filed by prosecutors may differ from the recommended charges listed here.
Here is the list of arrested people and their charges as reflected in the logs:
Paul Bennett -- Hold for WSP
Nicolas Cooper -- County Warrant/Hold for Agency
David Criss -- Criminal Warrant, District Court Bench Warrant
Brenden Day -- Serve Jail Time
Brian Foote -- DWUI
Joseph Grant -- Hold for probation and Parole, Possess Controlled Substance - Plant - 3 oz or Less, DUI: Alcohol 0.08% or More, Drive While License Cancelled, Suspended, or Revoked
Jacob Hair -- Courtesy Hold Other Agency
Nicholas Helton -- Criminal Warrant, Hold for CAC
Stephen Koch -- Criminal Warrant
Kevin Legarreta -- Assault and Battery
Richard McCloskey -- Controlled Substance Possession x2, Controlled Substance Possession Meth, Possess Burglary Tools, Reg Violation (Gen), Wrongful Take/Dispose Property
Tasha Meacham -- Trespassing
Rachael Mead -- Public Intoxication Prohibited
Trey Meredith -- Serve Jail Time
William Miller -- Domestic Battery - 1st Offense
Michael Poulos -- Hold for probation and Parole
Lance Rutzer -- Public Intoxication Prohibited
Devon Sherman -- DUS-Driving while license suspended/revoked
Ezra Wallace -- Controlled Substance Possession Meth, Controlled Substance Possession
Michael Wentz -- Hold for WSP, Fail to Comply
Benjamin Wolfe -- Fail to Comply, Hold for WSP
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