Natrona County Arrest Log (7/13/22 – 7/17/22)
This log may not reflect all arrests for this time period. For example, police will not release any information about juvenile arrests. State law prohibits any official from identifying a person accused of a sex crime until the defendant is arraigned in district court.

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Everyone listed here is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The charges listed here are what the arresting agency has recommended to the Natrona County District Attorney's Office. However, formal charges filed by prosecutors may differ from the recommended charges listed here.
Here is the list of arrested people and their charges as reflected in the logs:
- Austen Bagner -- Leave Scene of Accident: Damage to Atten, Possess Controlled Substance - Powder or Crystal -, Possess Controlled Substance - Plant - 3 oz or Less, Revoke Reg/If No Insurance, Careless Driving 1st Offense
- Daniel Collesano -- DUS-Driving while license suspended/revoked
- Micheal Crow -- Public Intoxication Prohibited
- David Decator -- Public Intoxication Prohibited
- Brittney Erb -- Criminal Bench Warrant, Fail to Comply x2, Fail to Appear
- Andrew Fletcher -- Hold for probation and Parole, Fail to Comply
- Emily Gettelman -- Fail to Comply
- Robert Hathaway -- Courtesy Hold Other Agency
- Ryan Heidekrueger -- District Court Bench Warrant, Fail to Comply, Fail to Appear
- Christopher Hicks -- Resisting Arrest-Interfere with/Hinder/F
- Paul Hilburn -- Serve Jail Time
- Jarrett Kellch -- Probation Revocation
- Victoria King -- Public Intoxication Prohibited
- Ross Lopez -- Violate Protection Order
- Lance McClure -- Possess Controlled Substance - Powder or Crystal -
- Tory McMillen -- DUI: Alcohol 0.08% or More, Interfere With Peace Officer, Unlawful Contact: Rude, Insolent or Angry, Parking Prohibited on Controlled-Access, No or Defective Rear Vision Mirror, Failure to Display Valid License Plates, Property Destruction: $1,000 or More, Open Container Alcohol/Moving Vehicle 1st Offense
- Glenna McPherson -- Criminal Trespass
- Lennace Miller -- Contract Hold/billing
- Chad Mulloy -- DWUS, Drive Without Interlock Device, Stop or Yield Sign, Complaint Auto Insurance, Seat Belt Required
- Joseph Murphy -- Criminal Warrant
- Eric Nechochea -- Attempt and Conspire - Felony x3, Possess Controlled Substance - Powder or Crystal - x2, Possess Controlled Substance - Pill or Cap - 3 gram, Distribute Controlled Substance Without Order Form x3, Vehicle Exceed 65 MPH on Paved Roadway (6+ M
- Ross Nutter -- County Warrant/Hold for Agency
- Steve Ordonez -- Attempt and Conspire - Felony x3, Possess Controlled Substance - Powder or Crystal - x2, Possess Controlled Substance - Pill or Cap - 3 gram, Distribute Controlled Substance Without Order Form x3
- Randy Overman -- Domestic Battery - 1st Offense, Interfere With Emergency Calls, Interfere With Peace Officer
- John Pearce -- Hold for probation and Parole, Hold for Casper Muni Court
- Johnathan Perry -- Drive Without Interlock Device 1st Offense, Drive While License Cancelled, Suspended, or Revoked, Slow 20 MPH for Emergency Vehicle on 2-Lane
- Kimberly Proudfoot -- Controlled Substance Possession Meth
- Joshua Roberts -- Aggressive Solicitation-Intimidation
- Carl Rogers -- Public Intoxication Prohibited
- Mark Schuessler -- County Warrant/Hold for Agency x2
- James Shores -- Public Intoxication Prohibited
- Mark Wayt -- Probation Revocation
- Hosea White -- Aggravated Assault and Battery, Possess Deadly Weapon
- Levi Zitterkopf -- Trespassing
A Quick Retelling of the "The Wyoming Incident"
Various versions of "The Wyoming Incident" can be found all over the internet. Below is what seems to be the most widely shared story...but is it true?
I Swear I'll Kill You If You Play That
Recently, a Wyoming man was convicted of assaulting and shooting another man over an argument about a song on the radio.
No one died. The shooter got 7 years and a $1,357 fine.
This much we know but the public never got to hear - WHAT WAS THE SONG?
Imagine yourself on a long Wyoming highway, late at night. You're driving with someone and a song that you just HATE comes on the radio. But they turn it UP and start to sting along.
How bad does the song have to be to justify doing what you are thinking?
Below are some examples.
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