This log may not reflect all arrests for this time period. For example, police will not release any information about juvenile arrests. State law prohibits any official from identifying a person accused of a sex crime until the defendant is arraigned in district court.

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Everyone listed here is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

The charges listed here are what the arresting agency has recommended to the Natrona County District Attorney's Office. However, formal charges filed by prosecutors may differ from the recommended charges listed here.

Here is the list of arrested people and their charges as reflected in the logs:

  • Grant Bauer -- Hold for probation and Parole
  • Frank Barela -- Hold for probation and Parole
  • Katherine Brown -- Serve Jail Time
  • Alexander Cochran -- Hold for probation and Parole
  • Travis Dangler -- Trespassing, Marijuana-Possession
  • Jason Gale -- Criminal Warrant
  • Britney Harrell -- Hold for probation and Parole
  • Janelle Hunt -- Hold for probation and Parole
  • Klayr Kelly -- Hold for probation and Parole
  • Michal Lindberg -- Fail to Appear
  • Shiloh Little Axe -- Serve Jail Time
  • Chasen Martinez -- Aggravated Assault and Battery, Property Destruction: Under $1000
  • Isaac Mason -- Fail to Appear
  • Darrell McNally -- Domestic battery
  • Angelo Munoz -- Fail to Comply
  • Ryan Rosty -- Domestic Assault - 1st Offense, Aggravated Assault and Battery
  • Billie Scott -- Hold for WWC, District Court Bench Warrant
  • Chad Wounded Face -- Shoplifting

KEEP READING: Scroll to see what the big headlines were the year you were born

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