Casper-Natrona County Arrest Log (12/9/19 – 12/11/19)
Below is a list of people who have recently been arrested and booked into the Natrona County Detention Center. This list is compiled from logs released to media by the Natrona County Sheriff's Office.
This log may not reflect all arrests for this time period. For example, police will not release any information about juvenile arrests. State law prohibits any official from identifying a person accused of a sex crime until the defendant is arraigned in district court.
Everyone listed here is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The charges listed here are what the arresting agency has recommended to the Natrona County District Attorney's Office. However, formal charges filed by prosecutors may differ from the recommended charges listed here.
Here is the list of arrested people and their charges as reflected in the logs:
- Jorge Aguirre -- suspended/revoked driver's license
- Marcelo Alcantar-Sanchez -- immigration hold
- Michael Ball -- criminal trespass, aggravated assault, reckless endangering
- Peter Blackburn -- contract hold/billing
- James Boles -- failure to comply
- MIsty Bouska -- failure to comply
- Teresa Brunner -- hold for probation and parole
- Ivan Bustillos -- failure to appear
- Spirit Carlson -- methamphetamine possession x2, taking contraband into a correctional institution
- Tristan Chase -- failure to comply
- Kara Coffee -- courtesy hold
- James Colwell -- courtesy hold
- William Dinges -- serve jail time
- Geoffrey DiSalvo -- failure to comply
- Andrew Figueroa-Ruiz -- immigration hold
- Zachary Foster -- suspended/revoked driver's license-enhanced, no insurance
- Amen George -- NCIC hit
- Michael Goodwin -- open container in a motor vehicle, driving while under the influence, no insurance
- Brent Gould -- contract hold/billing
- Domenich Gumfory -- failure to appear, driving while under suspension, controlled substance possession
- Bradford Holt -- failure to comply
- Sean Huffer -- interference, wrongful taking/disposing of property, failure to appear
- Brian Johnson -- shoplifting
- Kenneth Jones -- serve jail time
- Susana Marulanda-Bermudez -- immigration hold
- Jesus Marquez -- hold for probation and parole
- Carla Musser -- conspiracy
- Jaime Nava -- vandalism/property destruction, controlled substance possession x2, under the influence of a controlled substance
- Michael Odom -- failure to appear, interference x2
- Anthony Rodriguez -- criminal warrant
- Edwin Sanchez-Machuca -- immigration hold
- Allison Solis -- criminal warrant
- Janelle Thomas -- criminal warrant
- Mary Whitney -- criminal warrant