Wyoming Rescue Mission announces has launched a Street Outreach Ministry to restore homeless lives back to community.

Volunteers walk the streets of downtown Casper to talk to individuals and listen to their stories and try to offer help.

“We want to give a voice to the folks who are unheard on the streets, listen to their stories and spread awareness of the resources that are available,” said Adam Flack, Wyoming Rescue Mission’s Community Engagement Coordinator.

“Our Street Outreach Ministry makes a difference in the community, as we are working to ensure that anyone facing hardship knows they can find shelter, nourishment, and support at the Wyoming Rescue Mission. Hurting individuals in need of help can get off the street and back on their feet through the life-changing programs at the Mission,” continued Flack. So far, over 110 people have been impacted since the Street Outreach Ministry began in October and several have found their way to care at the Wyoming Rescue Mission.

To continue the program, Wyoming Rescue Mission requests volunteers for the Street Outreach Ministry, which currently takes place on Thursday afternoons.

Volunteers can attend a quick lunch and orientation session before being teamed up with one of Wyoming Rescue Mission’s Discipleship Recovery Program guests. In teams of two or three, volunteers will embark on a street outreach mission to provide gloves, hats, water, coffee, "Get Real Help" cards, Bibles, and prayers to those in need.

Donations from the community of gloves, hats, bottled water and new coffee grounds are gladly accepted at the Park Street Center (230 N. Park Street).

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Gallery Credit: Kolby Fedore

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