There are new camping fees for Muddy Mountain and the North Platte River according to the Bureau of Land Management. Here is the official release...

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has started to implement fees for the Trapper’s Route Special Recreation Area (SRMA) and altered the existing fee structure for the Muddy Mountain Environmental Education Area (EEA) as of Oct. 1, 2014.

An expanded amenity fee of $10 will be charged for overnight camping with an additional $5 for extra vehicles for all campgrounds within the Trapper’s Route SRMA. Trapper’s Route SRMA is located along the North Platte River between the towns of Casper and Alcova, Wyoming. The SRMA begins approximately forty miles southwest of Casper, Wyoming immediately downstream from Grey Reef Dam. The SRMA spans 41 miles and encompasses over 3,000 acres of BLM administered lands.

Expanded amenity fees for the Muddy Mountain EEA campgrounds will be increased from $5 to $7 for overnight camping and from $2 to $3 for extra vehicles. The Muddy Mountain EEA is a popular recreation area for both day use and overnight visits. The EEA is located approximately 20 miles south of Casper, Wyoming and has two existing campgrounds that are available for day use and overnight camping. The proposed changes to the existing fee structure include eliminating the day use fee and enact a slight increase for overnight stays and extra vehicles.

The BLM is initiating camping fees after extensive planning and public comment. There will be a self-pay fee station located at campground entrances. Camping is on a first-come, first-served basis and campsites cannot be reserved in advance.

In accordance with BLM recreation fee program policy, the Casper Business Plan explains the fee collection process, as well as outlines how all the fees will be used. The business plan was composed as a single document that incorporates the collection and use of all fees enacted under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (REA), 16 U.S.C. 6801 et seq. including those fees that are associated with Trapper’s Route SRMA, Muddy Mountain EEA and special recreation permits. All campgrounds where fees are being proposed qualify as a sites wherein visitors can be charged an “Expanded Amenity Recreation Fee” authorized under section 3 (4) (f) of the REA.

Under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhance Act, the fees will address public concerns over maintenance, provide for enhancements of recreational facilities, public education, protection of natural resources and visitor safety.


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