Natrona County Arrest Log (12/29/22 – 1/3/23)
This log may not reflect all arrests for this time period.
For example, police will not release any information about juvenile arrests. State law prohibits any official from identifying a person accused of a sex crime until the defendant is arraigned in district court.

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Everyone listed here is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The charges listed here are what the arresting agency has recommended to the Natrona County District Attorney's Office. However, formal charges filed by prosecutors may differ from the recommended charges listed here.
Here is the list of arrested people and their charges as reflected in the logs:
- Robert Baker, 29 -- Exceed 30 mph in urban district, driving under the influence - alcohol - 0.08% or more, driving while license canceled/suspended.
- Wanita Benton, 50 -- Public intoxication, marijuana - possession.
- Chrissy Big Eagle, 42 -- Contract hold.
- Christipher Bramlett, 26 -- Burglary - building.
- Marcus Brown, 44 -- Public intoxication.
- Angelina Caballero, 26 -- Fail to appear.
- Jennifer Carey, 38 -- District Court bench warrant.
- Amber Carson, 32 -- Hold for probation and parole, possession of a controlled substance - powder or crystal, possession of a controlled substance - plant - 3 ounces or less.
- Frank Casias, 30 -- Hold for probation and parole.
- Amy Charley, 31 -- Driving while under the influence - first offense, marijuana - possession.
- William Dunbar, 20 -- Fail to comply (x2).
- Leo Duran, 28 -- Contract hold.
- Bryce Erdman, 25 -- Serve jail time.
- Brian Farmer, 54 -- Camping restricted in the city.
- Seth Fisher, 18 -- Criminal warrant.
- Shawn Gibbons-Ries, 34 -- Fail to comply.
- Cody Haines, 31 -- Driving under the influence - alcohol - greater than 0.08% - third offense in 10 years, valid driver's license.
- Meaghan Hennings, 39 -- Driving while under the influence - first or second offense, insurance violation - no current liability, careless driving, open container - possess/consume.
- Nathan Herrera, 19 -- Serve jail time.
- Justin Hult, 40 -- Possession of a controlled substance - powder or crystal, compulsory auto insurance - first offense, open container of alcohol in a moving vehicle - first offense, no registration.
- Scott Johnson, 37 -- Fail to comply.
- Andrew Keller, 39 -- Attempt and conspire - felony, possession of a controlled substance - powder or crystal (x2), bond revocation (x2).
- Eric Leach, 33 -- Hold for probation and parole.
- Jay Dee Lindstrom, 48 -- Fail to comply, public intoxication, open container - possess/dispense.
- Taylor Macias, 21 -- Fail to comply.
- Devin Mackay, 28 -- Interference with a peace officer, possession of a controlled substance - plant - 3 ounces or less, possession of a controlled substance - powder or crystal.
- Leilani Martin 49 -- Camping restricted in the city.
- Marshall Mayhan, 19 -- Fail to appear, property destruction - $1,000 or more, criminal trespass.
- Chad Mulloy, 38 -- Hold for probation and parole.
- Jacob Myron, 32 -- Hold for probation and parole.
- Reggie Nelams, 43 -- Contract hold.
- Dillion Pape, 30 -- Public intoxication.
- Matthew Pavey, 41 -- Fail to comply.
- Cynthia Pitt, 49 -- Hold for probation and parole.
- Juan Quinn, 23 -- Public intoxication.
- Kayla Rowland, 24 -- Theft - $1,000 or more.
- Trinity Rowland, 22 -- Fail to comply, driving while license suspended/revoked.
- Amy Sasser, 44 -- Hold for probation and parole.
- Steven Seeley, 65 -- Domestic battery - first offense.
- Matthew Short, 32 -- Driving under the influence - alcohol - greater than 0.08% - third offense within 10 years, driving while license canceled/suspended.
- Aloysious Sitting Eagle, 37 -- Contract hold.
- Phoebe Soundingsides, 37 -- County warrant/hold for agency.
- Isabella Tillett, 19 -- Fail to appear (x3).
- Michael Timmons, 63 -- Driving while under the influence - first offense, fail to give right of way - approaching an intersection, leave the scene of an accident - property damage.
- Joseph Vest, 32 -- Hold for Casper Re-entry Center.
- Beaudrey Vreeland, 41 -- Use controlled substance - Schedule I, II or III.
- Shelby Walkinshaw, 46 -- Driving while under the influence - first or second offense, marijuana - possession.
- Colter Watsbaugh, 29 -- Manufacture or deliver methamphetamine or narcotic controlled substance; theft - $1,000 or more; possession of a controlled substance - Schedule I, II or III (x2); exceed 30 mph in urban district; compulsory auto insurance - first offense.
- Allen Whiteplume, 37 -- Fail to comply, public intoxication, open container - possess/dispense.
- James Whiteplume, 50 -- County warrant/hold for agency (x2).
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