Juvenile Goes Missing Again, Mills Police Department Seeking Public’s Assistance. Again.
Just a few days after finding missing juvenile Josiah Decker, the young man has gone missing again, according to the Mills Police Department.

"The Mills Police Department would like your assistance in locating a missing juvenile," a social media post from the Mills PD stated. "Josiah Decker was last seen wearing a black NCHS ROTC sweatshirt, blue jeans and cowboy boots."
Josiah was last seen on May 19th, at approximately 10:00 a.m. when he was dropped off at his school.
In the comments, one person stated that they thought he had already been found, and the Mills PD wrote "Yes, he was located the other day. Unfortunately, we are looking for him again."
A representative with the Mills Police Department stated that when Josiah was located the first time, he was taken to the Youth Crisis Center. The Center dropped him off at school Thursday, and he ran away again.
The Mills Police Department asks that if anyone has any knowledge as to the whereabouts of Josiah, that they call the Mills Police Department at 307-266-4796.
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