City of Casper: Crews Filled Over 1,100 Potholes in April
Citizen input helped road crews repair a huge number of potholes last month, according to a statement from the City of Casper.
The April 2019 Pothole Repair Drive saw 1,141 potholes filled. That repair work totaled 22,459 square feet, nearly five times the 4,707 square feet of potholes filled in April 2018.
The City of Casper Streets Department received 120 requests for pothole repair last month, compared to 132 such requests received in all of 2018.
It took some 200 tons of hot mix asphalt to complete last month's work.
"Over the course of last month, even with stoppages related to spring snowstorms, the City of Casper Streets Department was able to make serious progress filling potholes and maintaining City streets," Streets Department Manager Shad Rodgers said in a statement Wednesday.
"This year, in addition to asking for the public's help in locating them, we mapped out a street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood pothole sweep in an effort to find and fill all the potholes on Casper streets," Rodgers added.
The City said crews tracked citizen requests and repaired potholes within three business days.
"Citizens are often our eyes on the community," Casper City Manager Carter Napier said. "We are thankful for everyone's willingness to help us."
Pothole repair and other street maintenance will continue throughout the year.
Potholes can be reported via the City's website, by using the City's app or at 235-8283.
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