City of Casper Back to Normal Business After Winter Storm
It's back to business as usual for City of Casper offices after a winter storm rolled through the area earlier this week.
Trash collection will be delayed one day. Monday's route will be collected Tuesday, Tuesday's on Wednesday and so on.
Residents are reminded to place their trash containers in the street near the curb and not the sidewalk.
According to a Tuesday morning press release, the no unnecessary travel advisory has been lifted, but drivers are cautioned that winter conditions and snowdrifts still exist on city streets.
Snowplow crews will begin focusing on collector streets Tuesday. With the winds expected to pick up Tuesday night, crews will emphasize Indian Paintbrush. Residents on Indian Paintbrush are asked to have their vehicles off the street so crews can get it cleared of snow.
As of Tuesday morning, snowplows are not able to respond to requests to clear residential streets. However, snowplows will work in tandem with emergency services if a 911 or life or death emergency exists, the city said.
The regularly scheduled city council meeting will go on at 6 p.m.