The public is invited to the Casper Police Department's second Community Team Brief, Wednesday, November 1st, at 6:50 p.m. at the Natrona County Public Library.

Normal shift turnover briefs are held every day 6:50 a.m. and 6:50 p.m. at the department, and police say they want to extend them as Community Team Briefs in an effort to better connect with the community.  The first community briefing, held about a month ago, was in the morning. This latest will be held at the evening team turnover.

Police say it's a chance to see how the "mobile patrol team shift turnover briefs" are conducted and officers, sergeants, and members of the command staff will be available afterward to to meet with community members.

Natrona County Library Executive Director Scroggins says they're excited to partner with the police and host the event.  Interim Police Chief Steve Schulz added, “We look forward to partnering on future endeavors as well, including a professional reading program that will be announced in the future. We hope to see a great turnout at this CTB.”

Casper Police Community Team Brief

  • Wednesday, November 1st, 6:50 p.m.
  • Natrona County Public Library, 307 East Second Street in Casper
  • Free and open to all community members

Police say if you are interested in hosting a future Community Team Brief at your residence or business , you can contact Detective John Hatcher at (307) 235-7598 or

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