The Casper City Council terminated the contract of its long-time city attorney without cause effective last week, according to a resolution in the council's agenda for its regular meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday.

While Bill Luben's termination was effective Thursday, the council is scheduled to vote on the resolution at its meeting.

No reason, other than Luben being an at-will employee, was given for his dismissal.

In a separate resolution on the meeting agenda, City Manager Carter Napier is asking the council to appoint Assistant City Attorney William Chambers as Interim City Attorney.

This resolution asks council to increase Chambers' pay to $107,078.40, and that funding will come from the city attorney's budget.

Neither Luben nor Mayor Kenyne Humphrey could be reached for comment Monday evening.

According to the resolution about Luben's dismissal, the termination was effective at 5 p.m. Thursday. The council held a special work session on Aug. 29 during which members toured the former Plains Furniture building, and then held an executive session after that. Whether the council discussed Luben's contract at that time is unknown. Council meets in executive session to discuss property issues, legal matters and personnel.

The city hired Luben on Aug. 24, 2001, according to the resolution.

In recent years, Luben has advised the council on issues ranging from allowing prayer or a moment of silence to open council meetings, and the proposed smoking ban.

He recused himself from representing the city when a resident sued the city about the interpretation of the Wyoming Public Meetings Act regarding former City Manager John Patterson's employment.

Luben is among several high-ranking city employees who were terminated or who resigned this year, including former Police Chief Jim Wetzel and former City Manager V.H. McDonald.

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