Six Thousand Willows For Casper’s Morad Park
Volunteers will be out in force this weekend, replacing thousands of willow stakes removed by vandals in Morad Park. Casper City officials say they'll be planting more than 6,000 willows along the newly created river bank on Saturday, April 8th. About 1,900 feet of river bank in the area will be closed until the willows are established, which is expected to take about a year.
Special Projects Coordinator Jolene Martinez says willows are a crucial part of the restoration efforts known as the Platte River Revival. "They prevent bank erosion by holding and stabilizing the banks," says Martinez. "Erosion is a source of river sedimentation, a common water pollutant." She describes the Platte River Revival as a restoration project that addresses many issues at the same time, such as infrastructure, stormwater mitigation, quality of life, hazard mitigation, economic development, and conservation.
The volunteers include a large team from Kelly Walsh Key Club. Vehicles and equipment involved in the day's activities will obstruct the lower pathway off and on during the day.
For more information about the willow planting and the Platte River Revival, you can visit