Downtown Casper has new place that many business owners hope will be convenient for visitors.

Three new public restrooms are now open in the southwest portion of the downtown parking garage on Center Street.

The cost of the new facilities was about $358,000, some of which was paid through a state grant, and the rest through the city of Casper's one-cent sales tax revenue.

Charles Walsh is the chairman of the downtown development authority.

He says this has been an off and on idea for the past 23 years.

"Biology is going to work its process, so we need to have a place for someone to go and actually stay down here and spend time. We want people to enjoy the downtown, so we need to have the restrooms available to them"

Walsh adds the locks to the restroom doors are on a timer, so they will be open mostly during the daytime, but the timer can be readjusted for certain occasions.

The restrooms are scheduled to be open from 8am to 8pm Monday thru Friday, 10am to 8pm on Saturdays, and noon to 5pm on Sundays.

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