NCSD Plans to Send out Test Notification on October 11
The Natrona County School District (NCSD) recently announced that on Oct. 11 at 4:00 p.m., it will be conducting a test of the Infinite Campus Notification System.
The test will consist of parents and/or guardians receiving a phone call and text message with the following message "This is a test message of NCSD's Notification System. This is only a TEST. Thank you."
On Friday, the Natrona County High School received a report from a student that another student had a gun on them in school, and the student with a gun was then taken into custody by law enforcement.
While the situation didn't lead to a lockdown and no injuries were reported, parents were told about the situation through text notifications on the Infinite Campus Notification System.
It is unclear if this test of the notification system is in any way related to what happened at the Natrona County High School.
According to the NCSD, the purpose of the test is to verify parents' and/or guardians' emergency notification preferences and contact information are updated and properly selected.
Parents and/or guardians can select text, voice, and email for emergency notifications as well as for other notification types, and those that don't get the notification can update their preferences on the district's website.