On Wednesday, November 29th, at approx. 4 PM NCSD is conducting a test of its Infinite Campus Notification System. This is only a test. The purpose of this test is to provide individuals with the opportunity to verify their notification preferences and contact information are updated and selected accordingly.

Parents/Guardians/Staff will receive a phone call and text message with the message: This is a test message of NCSD's Notification System. This is only a TEST.

Parents/guardians can go online to their Infinite Campus Parent to set notification preferences at any time throughout the year.

NCSD Notification
NCSD Notification

NCSD Students WOW Judges at Casper Science Fair

Gallery Credit: Kolby Fedore, Townsquare Media

2023 NCSD Students Celebrated for Literary Talents

"The Young Authors program is honored to celebrate student success and the literary achievements of our community's young authors. Who knows? One of today's students might be a future bestseller!” ~ NCSD

Gallery Credit: Kolby Fedore, Townsquare Media

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