Natrona County Recent Arrests (10/1/24–10/2/24)
CASPER, Wyo. — Here is the latest recent arrests log for law enforcement agencies in Natrona County. The log represents law enforcement contact with suspects who were arrested, and the recommended charges against them.
The arrest log is not a comprehensive document and may not represent all of the arrests made in a given time period.
The log does not contain information for juvenile offenders, suspects recommended for charges of a sexual nature, or information for persons arrested in Natrona County who have bonded or bailed out of the detention center before law enforcement releases the information.
Recent Arrests
- Mikhail Wilhelm, 38 — Domestic Battery
- Marcus Grayson, 40 — Serve Jail Time
- David Burt, 34 — Courtesy Hold Other Ageny
- Luis Silva, 38 — Criminal Warrant
- Nicole Wurtz, 39 — Failure To Comply
- Darian Jewett, 29 — Courtesy Hold Other Agency
- Velinda Brown, 50 — Public Intoxication Prohibited
- Kristi Moser, 46 — Hold For Probation and Parole
- Yanuario Reyes-Hernandez, 30 — Immigration Hold
- Kearra Brown, 21 — Failure To Appear, Interfere With Peace Officer, Reckless Driving, Property Destruction Under $1,000, Flee/Attempt To Elude Police, Possession of Controlled Substance: Powder or Crystal
- Drew Blackburn, 38 — Hold For Probation and Parole
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