Natrona County Man Furious his ‘F Joe Biden Flag’ was Ripped Down
A Natrona County man says he was coming home from the hospital on June 6th when he found his "F--- Joe Biden and F--- You for Voting for Him" flag laying in the dust.
Wind? Bradford Wood thinks not. The flag was flying on a metal pole attached to the gate on his property. It appeared the pole was bent into submission with a hammer. Wood says he filed a report with the Natrona County Sheriff's Office but is disappointed by the lack of investigation that followed.
He asked his neighbors if they had seen anything, but no such luck. Wood is offering a $100 reward for anyone who can identify the culprit.
"Someone obviously disagreed with my opinion," says Wood. Years earlier he flew a cheaper version of the flag, but one day he found a package in his mailbox that read "For you, from the loud blue Subaru." He never figured out who bought him the new one, but he flew it proudly.
"I'm a Trump supporter. I've been flying my flag for four years. I believe Biden is wrecking the country and that was my way of expressing my belief."
Wood also expresses his political opinion with bumper stickers, a MAGA hat, and T-shirts as well as his Facebook page.
According to him, he was trying to initiate public discourse with shoppers in Walmart during the toilet paper crisis and was "poo pooed."
"If you're a Trump supporter, that's what you get" says Wood, who has lived in Wyoming all his life. He was in the Navy for 20 years. Afterwards he worked in the oil and gas industry, worked different supply jobs, and was a truck driver.
In 2011 he got cancer and had to retire. He lives in the country by himself and enjoys hunting, fishing, hiking and archaeology. Wood enjoys traveling to historic sites in Wyoming like South Pass City.
"Wyoming is what America was and I joined the Navy at the end of the Vietnam conflict. Both sides of my family served, and it was my turn. I joined with pride. Wyoming is what America used to be and we're losing more of it every day. I wear hats, I stand up for what I believe in, and I support Trump for Making America Great Again."
Wood values the First Amendment and his right to speak freely. He says he respects others' rights to have a different opinion and asks that they do the same.
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Gallery Credit: Kolby Fedore, TSM