Motorcyclist Killed in Head on Collision near Lusk
A Colorado motorcyclist is dead after a collision near Lusk.
According to a preliminary crash summary from the Wyoming Highway Patrol, the crash happened at milepost 198.6 on US 85 near Lusk when a Ford F-150 began to pass another vehicle and struck a motorcycle head on.
Heather Cailaoife, 50, was wearing a helmet, but died from the crash.
Noone else was reportedly injured in the crash.
Cailaoife is the 91st person and the ninth motorcyclist to die on Wyoming's highways so far this year.
Read More: Wyoming Man Killed in Motorcycle Crash in Albany County
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Wyoming Game and Fish Wildlife Calendar Photo Contest Entries
The Wyoming Wildlife 2024 Calendar Photo Contest Underway. The contest accepts photos of wildlife taken in Wyoming, including Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks. Wildlife includes mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish.
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