Attorneys hired by the city of Casper say the city should move forward with its contested case hearing against Ward II city councilor Craig Hedquist.

In a statement by Wes Reeves and Anna Reeves Olson that was issued to Hedquist’s attorneys and to the press on Monday, the city-hired legal counsel says Casper City Council does have to power under the state of Wyoming's home rule constitutional amendment to remove Hedquist from the body if he’s found guilty conflict of interest violations.

They also called Hedquist's motion to dismiss “a long and confusing argument,” and said that the forthcoming contested case hearing against Hedquist is "for the benefit of the councilman, so that he can hear the charges against him and put on a defense – if he has one.”

Hedquist is accused of using his position as a councilperson to leverage better road construction deals between the Hedquist-owned Hedquist Construction and the city.

City manager John Patterson says the contested case hearing against Hedquist is scheduled for May 12.

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