The hottest weather of the year is coming to Wyoming and the National Weather Service have put together some information about the earliest, latest, and average dates for the first 90 degree-temps of the year.

In 2006, Casper saw it's first 90-degree day on May 26.

The latest occurence happened July 21, 1945. Yeesh!

The average first 90-degree day for the Casper-area is June 18.

NWS predicts today's high will be around 80 degrees with wind gusts up to 36 mph.

Tomorrow's forecast shows a high of 86 degrees with mild wind.

Friday will also be sunny with a high of 87 degrees and light wind.

There's a slight chance of rain and thunder this weekend, but it's also looking pretty spectacular with 80-degree temps and little wind.

US National Weather Service Riverton Wyoming, Facebook
US National Weather Service Riverton Wyoming, Facebook

Wyoming Summer Flowers 2023

Above Chugwater Wyoming is a plateau of farms and ranches, along with a few old nuclear missile silos.

Among those farms are fields of sunflowers.

It's mid-August, 2023.

Wyoming has had one of the wettest springs, and summers, it has seen in decades.

The plateau is in bloom.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

Wyoming Guards Rescue Hiker in Box Elder Canyon

September 2023

Gallery Credit: Kolby Fedore, TSM; Photos from the Wyoming National Guard.

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