Wyoming’s Happy Jack Recreation Site Reopens
The Laramie Ranger District has reopened the Happy Jack Recreation Site just in time for Presidents Day weekend.
Extreme snow accumulation and high winds shut down the area last week, but U.S. Forest Service crews were able to plow Forest Road 719 and the recreation site’s parking lot after conditions improved Wednesday.
Now that the site has reopened, the Laramie Ranger District anticipates heavy public use over the holiday weekend and has a few reminders to help those planning to visit the area stay safe and have fun.
The agency says Happy Jack that the old ski hill is unmanaged and any recreation on that hill is done at the user's own risk.
Signage posted at the trailhead and parking area contains valuable information about risks inherent in many activities, and the agency encourages the public to read those signs.
Common courtesy is important, as many people often end up in the same area for different activities.
Many larger trees in the area have been killed by the bark beetle epidemic and may fall during high winds or when soils are saturated. The agency asks that people avoid areas with dead trees when high winds are present.
Weather can change quickly, and winter conditions in Wyoming can be unforgiving. The Forest Service asks the public to be aware and prepared when going into the forest.