Governor Gordon just issued a statement criticizing a proposed rule from the Bureau of Land Management that would make oil and gas companies pay more to drill on public lands.

The rule would raise royalty rates for oil drilling by nearly 17%.  Federal officials say the rate hike will lead to a  more responsible leasing process and provide a better return for U.S. taxpayers.

Gordon opposes the rule, saying that it disregards the protections that are already in place for Wyoming's wildlife, cultural and historic sites and reclamation of oil and gas wells.

He argues that the oil and gas industry is composed of many smaller operators, and placing additional burdens on them may very well make it impossible to operate.

"Unnecessary costs to producers will result in less oil and gas for consumers across the nation and less revenue for Wyoming and her citizens."

Bureau of Land Management Director Tracy Stone-Manning, whose agency issued the new rule, said the proposal “aims to ensure fairness to the taxpayer and balanced, responsible development as we continue to transition to a clean energy economy. It includes common-sense and needed fiscal revisions to BLM’s program, many directed by Congress.”

The Associated Press is saying that environmental groups "hailed the rule as overdue" and believe Biden should end all new drilling on public lands.


During the recent Wyoming Cattle Industry Convention, Gordon spoke against the BLM's proposed conservation rule as well. Gordon said he's going to do everything he can to make sure livestock remain on federal lands.

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