An upcoming judiciary meeting in Casper will discuss a drafted bill that aims to prohibit all THC products in Wyoming.

The meeting takes place in Casper on September 18-19 in the Thyra Thomson State Office Building, Round House Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Room 3024, begining at 8:30 a.m.

Only a limited number of virtual public comments will be allowed for a specified agenda item during the upcoming meeting.

The total time dedicated to public comments are set by the Committee Chairmen per Management Council Policy.

Here is the link to be considered to testify.

The first page of a draft that seeks to categorize Delta-8 products as Schedule I. Wyoming Legislature. See the full drafts in the links below.
The first page of a draft that seeks to categorize Delta-8 products as Schedule I.

SEE: Draft bill to prohibit psychoactive and edible hemp production

SEE: Draft to classify Delta-8 products as a Schedule I schedule I of the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act

Since September 2021, Delta-8 THC has been legal according to Wyoming state law.

Like the federal law, Wyoming has since legalized all derivatives, cannabinoids, and isomers of hemp including all tetrahydrocannabinols other than Delta-9 THC.

If passed, the drafts could change the THC limit from 0.3% THC to no trace amounts at all, hurting both retail stores and industrial hemp farms in Wyoming.

Earlier this year, several news outlets reported on an uptick in Cody student suspensions due to Delta-8 THC.

“... Our younger students are walking into the alleys around school and smoking Delta 8 during the lunch hour. On four separate occasions, students have come into the office ... asking for help because they feel out of control due to taking this drug. We sent these students with their parents to the emergency room" wrote Cody High School Principal Beth Blatt.

When you stack it up against other Schedule I drugs like heroin and methamphetamine, Delta-8 hardly seems as harmful. Yet since 2018, 15 states have outright banned produts containing Delta-8 THC.

Judiciary Committee: 

Bill Landon: Chairman

Art Washut: Chairman

Cale Case:

Ed Cooper:

Ken Chestek:

Barry Crago:

Dan Furphy:

Wendy Schuler:

Jeremy Haroldson:

Mark Jennings:

Tony Neimiec:

Ember Oakley:

Karlee Provenza:

Rachel Rodriguez-Williams:

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