Casper Police Chief Chris Walsh Retires After 23 Years
A changing of the guard of sorts is about to take place with the Casper Police Department.
Friday, February 7th, is the last day for Chief Chris Walsh who is retiring, after 23-plus years on the force, and almost 4 years as chief.
The Kelly Walsh High School graduate and former marine says the more interesting moments of his career, was when he worked undercover with the Department Of Criminal Investigations, although sometimes there wasn't enough to put a court case together.
"Going after the criminal and that works and that kind of thing was excellent, that was a great way to spend time and I really like, you know, I was on the mounted patrol. We were the last one, when we rode horses, and that was a great time, being a cop on horseback. kind of make you feel like you were living 100 years ago."
Captain Mark Trimble will take over as interim police chief, until the City of Casper names a permanent replacement.