Casper Metro Animal Shelter Looking to Acquire New Building for Overflow
The City of Casper council members will discuss purchasing a new building for the Metro Animal Shelter.
Per a memo to council, the animal shelter has exceeded it's viability to safely house all the animals in their care.
The shelter is often over-capacity for dogs and cats, along with caring for animals like guinea pigs, ferrets, chickens, snakes, and birds.
During hoarding cases, which happens about two or three times a year, moving animals around in the current shelter is no longer an option because of overcrowding.
Especially in cases of hoarding and animal cruelty, it takes several months before an animal is adoptable. Currently, the facility does not have a place for all of these animals.
The Casper Police Department is requesting approval to enter into a Procurement of Goods Agreement with Trailside Structures LLC to buy an outdoor shelter which can serve as temporary animal housing to accommodate quarantine and overflow and support the incoming animals' need for isolation from the general population to prevent the spread of disease.
If approved, the building will be paid for by the Metro Animal Shelter User Agency Fund.
Operations Captain, Ryan Dabney, will be responsible for the oversight.
CUTENESS ALERT: Some August Adoptables from the Humane Society and Metro Animal Shelter
Gallery Credit: Kolby Fedore; Photos Courtesy the Humane Society and Metro Animal Shelter