Casper Man Arrested After Allegedly Stealing Jeep from Loaf ‘N’ Jug while Intoxicated
George Ryan Hardwick heard two felony charges and three misdemeanors against him in Initial Appearances this week: aggravated robbery (punishable by up to 25 years in prison), aggravated assault and battery (punishable by up to 10 years in prison), a DUI, Theft, and Property Destruction, Defacement.
On April 3rd, Casper Police officers responded to Loaf 'n' Jug on Poplar Street for a report of a stolen Jeep.
Upon arrival, the caller was limping and appeared to be in pain -- this per court records. He told police that a man had stolen his Jeep, and in attempt to physically remove the thief from the driver's seat, he was thrown to the ground. He was transported to Wyoming Medical Center for the wrist and hip pain he was experiencing. They found he had sprained his left wrist.
The store clerk told police officers that he recognized Hardwick from rehab. The clerk alleges that when Hardwick came in to the store, he said something to the effect of, "Ahh man I hate to do this to ya," and brandished a blue snub-nosed revolver.
Records say Hardwick left the store without paying for two packs of Montclair Black cigarettes, a pair of sunglasses, a hat, and several Slim Jims. He was visibly intoxicated and made a statement about needing a vehicle to get to Florida. The store clerk provided the responding officers with video surveillance.
Officers were able to quickly locate Hardwick in the stolen vehicle based on the footage. The Jeep had crashed and come to rest upside down near the intersection of Cottonwood. The revolver was cleared by one of the officers who noted that there were three spent cartridges in the revolver cylinder with the remainder of the cylinders empty.
The vehicle had struck at least two boulders, one of which was moved several yards and another flipped upside-down. Two wheels snapped off and multiple vehicle parts were strewn about the roadside.
The owner of the Jeep was upset over the whole situation, said court records, as not only was his vehicle totaled, but he worked for Door Dash and did handy work in order to support himself. Not being able to use his left arm would severely impact his ability to work at all.
Hardwick will have a preliminary hearing in ten days if he does not bond out, in twenty if he does.
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