Casper Fire-EMS Appoints Two Therapy Dogs for the Very First Time
Casper Fire-EMS has announced that, for the first time in its 128-year history, the organization has appointed two therapy dogs.
"Therapy dogs Axe and Quincie have completed their 17-week K-9 Caring Angels training program in partnership with Sit-Means-Sit dog training, and will assume their roles as certified Therapy Dogs beginning this week," Casper Fire-EMS wrote in a press release.
Axe is a two-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback and he will serve alongside Chief Cam Siplon.
Quincie, a one-year-old Golden Retriever, will serve alongside Chief Jason Speiser.
"Pursuant to the commitment of the City of Casper to enhance mental health services and accessibility for all employees, both Axe and Quincy will serve as an integral part of the continued enhancement of mental health services and options for Casper’s Firefighters," Casper Fire-EMS wrote.
K-9 Caring Angels Therapy and Service Dogs are the ones who trained these very good doggos to be a part of the team.
“K-9 Caring Angels Therapy and Service Dogs trains and certifies Therapy Dogs around the country for both private citizens and for organizations like Fire Departments, Police Departments, Assisted Living, Counseling Groups, Funeral Homes, etc," the company wrote. "K-9 Caring Angels Therapy and Service Dogs trained the first full time Firehouse Therapy Dog in the United States after working with Fairfax County Fire Department on a pilot program headed up by our very own Buck Best.”
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