BLM to burn slash piles in Natrona County on Monday
CASPER, Wyo. — On Monday, the Bureau of Land Management announced that it will be burning slash piles in Natrona County over the coming days.
BLM firefighters are taking advantage of the recent snowfall, and plan to burn slash piles on Muddy Mountain Dec. 30. Casper-area residents may also see the BLM burning piles in the Bear Springs project area near Alcova Reservoir on New Year’s Eve, if conditions allow.
In addition to Muddy Mountain and Bear Springs, the BLM has stated it will also be conducting burns of slash piles in the Little Red Creek and Sheep Creek areas of the county.
Pile burning is contingent on fuel moistures and weather meeting appropriate treatment conditions on site. All burn projects are conducted in accordance with approved burn plans. Smoke may be visible from surrounding areas during the pile burning and days following as slash material is consumed.
The BLM plans to continue period slash burning through April.