Record numbers of shoppers are going on line and many are using online coupons to stretch their holiday dollar, but navigating those websites and the pop-ups that accompany them, can lead to nasty stuff getting on to your computers hard drive.

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Online shopping experts have advice on how to shop safe and keep your computer virus-free in the process.

"If any thing looks suspicious or asks for information that you think is just too personal, and really a coupon website should never ask for more than your name and your email. If it asks for more than that you need to be wary and back off of it."

Myriah Smith of Mississippi State University extension suggests that consumers set up a separate email account to use whenever your dealing with online commercial contacts..

"So that way all of your spam mail that you might get goes directly to that. Now spam mail is not as bad as it use to be with your online couponing but its just an idea to prevent it from getting mixed in with your normal email account,"

Online pop-up adds are part of the navigating experience, but Smith says there are ways to minimize or eliminate them. One thing to do is to delete temporary Internet files and cookies. She says,if a pop up, pops up, don't run your mouse over the window rather, and here's the complicated but important tip, hit Alt F4 to close it.

"You don't want to run your mouse across the pop-up or left click in the X or where it says "no thanks". Always hit Alt F4 or go down to your task bar and close that pop up from your task bar, because running your mouse over it or clicking X actually allows the software to install on your computer."



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