Casper-Based Pipeline Operators to Pay $12.5M After Spills in Montana, N. Dakota
By JACK DURA Associated Press
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Two pipeline operators have agreed to pay a $12.5 million civil penalty related to crude oil spills in 2015 in Montana and in 2016 in North Dakota.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the settlement on Monday.
The 2015 Montana spill involved over 50,000 gallons of oil leaking into the Yellowstone River near Glendive, Montana.
The 2016 North Dakota spill involved over 600,000 gallons of oil leaking into an unnamed tributary and impacting waterways including Ash Coulee Creek and the Little Missouri River.
Belle Fourche also will pay over $98,000 to North Dakota's Department of Environmental Quality for past response costs.
Belle Fourche and Bridger are owned by Wyoming-based True Companies, whose spokesman, when reached by email, did not have an immediate comment on the agreement.