Being prepared for all kinds of emergencies is something many people are taught from a young age. Continually gathering supplies and necessities to have on hand in case of being snowed in, heat going out, power outages, or something even worse.

As you get older, it may become tough for you to get the supplies you need, to be ready if an emergency arises. That's one of the many reasons it's a great idea to check in on your senior citizen parents, grandparents and neighbors.

The Natrona County Emergency Management team and Wyoming Department of Homeland Security, worked together to distributed 'preparedness buckets' to help seniors in case of emergencies. The buckets were full of supplies that would help them if an emergency were to happen.

Emergency Preparedness Buckets Contents
Natrona County EM Facebook

Each bucket contained items that would help senior citizens be prepared for an emergency.

  • Extra Batteries
  • Flashlights
  • Medication Organizers
  • Glow Stick
  • Hand Warmers
  • Playing Cards
  • Wipes
  • Can Opener
  • Emergency Blanket
  • Water Bottle
  • The 2 Weeks Ready Planning Checklist

The 2 Weeks Ready brochure and checklist is available to everyone at Wyoming Homeland Security website. I talk a lot about being prepared, and if you're curious about ways to stay many steps ahead and being prepared, I'd suggest checking this website out.

Wyoming Homeland Security
Wyoming Homeland Security

The site also has suggestions for not only being prepared yourself, but things like:

  • pet preparedness
  • communication plans
  • emergency plans if you have kids
  • what to do if you notice suspicious activities
  • shelter in place plans

You can also get the Wyoming Ready App. The app gives you resources you'll need to make your preparedness kits, emergency plans, checklists for every emergency and many other sources of information that will be handy in the event of an emergency.

Wyoming Ready App
Wyoming Ready App

It's never too early to start preparing for an emergency. Technology is a huge assistant to help you know what you need for most emergencies you may encounter.

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Emergency Kit

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