City of Casper offices have relocated to the Casper Business Center as City Hall undergoes significant maintenance to improve the safety of the building as well as make electrical, plumbing and other repairs.

Citizen services will be uninterrupted and largely unaffected.

“We’ve been in City Hall since 1977, and we’re planning to be in that building for another 40 years,” Parks, Recreation & Public Facilities Director Zulima Lopez said.

The Casper Business Center, located just down the street from City Hall at 123 W. 1st St., will serve as City Hall until the construction is completed sometime in mid-2024.

Directory of services at the Casper Business Center:

    • Customer service: lobby level suite 120
    • City Manager’s office: mezzanine level suite 200
    • Human Resources and City Clerk: fifth floor suite 550
    • Engineering: fifth floor suite 570
    • City Attorney: sixth floor suite 640
    • Finance and Accounting: sixth floor suite 610
    • Community Development: seventh floor suite 710

City phone numbers, hours of service and personnel all remain unchanged. For customer convenience, the drop boxes for utilities, municipal court and Rocky Mountain Power payments will remain at City Hall, though customers can drop payments off at the Casper Business Center.

The City purchased the Casper Business Center in May 2022 to serve as the new police headquarters. That project is currently in its architectural phase and construction will begin on the Casper Business Center after plans are finalized and City Hall renovation is complete.

Beginning Tuesday, May 30, all City Council meetings and work sessions will be held at The Lyric at 230 W. Yellowstone Highway.  Meetings will still be broadcast via YouTube and on cable channel 192.

For more information, contact communications & marketing generalist Rachel Bouzis at or (307) 235-8296.

READ ALSO: Casper City Council Takes A Look at its New Temporary Home

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