Casper Police Identify Officer Shot on Sunday [VIDEO]
The Casper Police Department on Tuesday identified the officer who was hospitalized with multiple bullet wounds following a shootout with a Casper man on Sunday.
Jacob Carlson was named as the wounded officer by Casper Police Chief Keith McPheeters during a news conference. McPheeters says he plans to release on Wednesday police dashcam video of the shooting, as well as the name of the other officer involved.
McPheeters also said that Carlson has received over 100 units of blood and blood products while at Wyoming Medical Center. While further surgeries will be necessary, McPheeters said, Carlson rested Tuesday in order to prepare himself for those upcoming medical procedures.
The most damaging wound to Carlson was a gunshot to the lower waist area. Carlson also suffered gunshot wounds to his legs. McPheeters said a protective vest helped protect Carlson from bullets in the chest and back area.
Police on Monday said Carlson was shot at least five times and suffered life-threatening wounds. He remains in critical condition at Wyoming Medical Center.
"The extent of the officer's injuries are such that multiple shipments of blood and blood products were brought in to the Wyoming Medical Center by emergency ground and air transportation in order to replenish the local supplies of life-saving blood donations," McPheeters said in a statement.
Carlson was one of four officers named officer of the quarter last year. He is a three-year veteran of the Casper Police Department and a decorated veteran of the U.S. Army who served in Afghanistan.
Killed in the shooting was 38-year-old David P. Wolosin. The Natrona County Coroner's Office released Wolosin's name Monday afternoon and said an autopsy is pending.
The shooting took place at roughly 1:30 p.m. Sunday in a dirt lot next to Fairdale Park.
The Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation is handling the case.
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