You may have seen them out and about. Striping crews from the Wyoming Department of Transportation are hard at work striping highways in central and northwest Wyoming, and the crews are asking drivers for a little help in their efforts.  "We really need people to give us a brake," said WYDOT rural striping foreman Dan Hahn of Lander. "It's been a bit crazy out here."

WYDOT says its urban striping crew has been working on their spring striping since March, and rural crew launched their spring/summer striping season April 9th. "We are focusing our efforts on highways south of Wind River Canyon right now, especially with the wet weather we've been receiving," Hahn said.

Hahn  has these tips for drivers and citizens who encounter WYDOT striping crews:

  • Decrease speed. It is required by law.
  • Pay attention to digital message boards near the striping operation
  • Don't pass in and out of striping equipment. If possible and if it's safe and legal, pass all vehicles at once.
  • Remember it is now law, thanks to passage of the new move over law, that drivers must slow down to 20 mph below the posted speed limit when approaching WYDOT vehicles/workers with flashing yellow lights.

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