Two Sunday Fires in Casper
Casper Fire-EMS units responded to two fires in Casper’s southern neighborhoods Sunday afternoon.
The first was a reported grass fire behind a home at 3631 Carmel Drive. The fire was reported at 12:45 p.m. Units arrived to find an area approximately forty feet long by forty feet wide burning in the Garden Creek drainage behind Carmel Drive. Firefighters quickly contained the blaze, and no damage to structures or injuries were reported. Six units from Casper Fire-EMS responded, and the cause remains under investigation.
While on scene at Carmel Drive, firefighters noticed a second smoke column to the west. While enroute to investigate, a structure fire located at 2421 Brentwood Drive was reported. This call came in at 1:10 p.m. Firefighters discovered a home with an attached garage. The attached garage that was fully ablaze.
Firefighters quickly put the fire out and were able to confine it to the garage. No injuries were reported. Firefighters were able to locate and successfully rescue a dog inside the home. The dog was treated on scene for smoke inhalation and released. Heavy fire and smoke damage was reported in the garage, with additional smoke damage through the rest of the structure.
As a result, the structure is uninhabitable.The cause remains under investigation.
Casper Fire-EMS would like to remind everyone to remain particular vigilant with all sources of heat and ignition. With windy and dry conditions, it is easy for any fire to quickly spread out of control. There is still a fire ban in effect over this Labor Day weekend, with all open fires and charcoal grilling prohibited.
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