Study Finds BLM Lands Contribute Billions From Recreation
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — A new study from several wildlife-related groups has found that recreation on Bureau of Land Management land contributes billions of dollars to western states' economies.
The study by Southwick Associates was done on behalf of The Pew Charitable Trusts, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Wildlife Management Institute, Trout Unlimited, Archery Trade Association and the American Fly Fishing Trade Association.
The Post Register newspaper in Idaho Falls, Idaho reports the study found that wildlife-related recreation on BLM lands in 12 western states results in more than $3 billion in economic activity. That figure includes about 26,500 jobs, $1 billion in salaries and wages and $421 million in federal, state and local tax revenue.
The report focused on three main activities: hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing.