Some Yellowstone Roads, Services Opening Friday
As Yellowstone National Park continues to thaw, certain roads will soon begin opening.
Those routes include the West Entrance to Old Faithful, Norris to Canyon Village and Mammoth Hot Springs to Old Faithful.
The road from the Northeast to North Entrance is open year-round.
In addition to the soon-open roads, admission to the park will be free on Saturday to celebrate National Park Week.
"Springtime in Yellowstone means fewer crowds, opportunities for hiking at lower elevations and skiing or snowshoeing at higher elevations," a National Parks Service release reads. "Wildlife viewing highlights this time of year include bison calving, bears recently emerged from dens, bull elk antlers in velvet and the arrival of migratory birds."
Road conditions in the park are always changing. Visitors are strongly encouraged to visit the park's website for the latest road conditions or call 307-344-2117 when planning their trip.
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