Smoke And Haze To Linger In Casper Area
Despite cooler temperatures and rain, smoke and haze remain settled in around the Casper area and other parts of Wyoming.
K2 Radio Meteorologist Don Day says we're looking at much the same situation as last week, with winds aloft coming in from the Northwest bringing smoke from fires in the Pacific Northwest and western Canada, as well as a new fire in Western Wyoming. It will be persistent until the winds change or the fires die down.
Day says we'll likely still have smoke and haze issues at least through mid-week, when the forecast calls for a change of winds, as well as better weather for fighting the fires causing the smoke. According to Day, relief may be in sight by the end of the week with smoke coming and going in the meantime.
Meantime, health officials say smoke can irritate the eyes, aggravate respiratory problems, and worsen symptoms of heart of lung disease. They suggest limiting exposure when possible.
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