A Not So Popular Time For Casper Area Kids
Slow down and keep your eyes open, especially when you're driving near schools. School zones will be busy as many of the kids around Wyoming head back to school today.
It's been a couple weeks since school zone speed limits have been in effect and you've had to deal with extra traffic from parents and school buses.
So pay attention.
When I was a kid and still in school, the two hardest days of the school year were the first day of school and the first day back from Christmas break. For me now, the first day back from vacation is always a tough day.
Today happens to be one of those days we all dread...the first day back from Christmas vacation.
For the last couple weeks, kids and parents haven't had to wake up and get ready for school, make sure everyone is wearing pants, shoes, have their backpack and lunches before heading out the door. Getting back into the routine may take a day or two, but there are some things you can do to help the transition.
Check out these six tips for getting your kids back into a routine
Set Goals - These goals can be fun and help get everyone excited about getting back in the swing of things.
Focus On Small Daily Wins - Busy school/ work schedules can be overwhelming. Small positive things that happen are all wins and if you focus on those, they'll add up.
Plan Ahead - If you have a plan for the week, before the week begins, you're likely going to stick to it and help everyone know what's coming up over the next few days.
Don't Focus On Bad Days - Bad days are going to happen, don't let one bad day cast a dark shadow on the rest of the week.
Prep - Getting back into the swing of things is much easier if you spend a little extra time getting things ready to go. Planning out meals for the week, packing lunches the night before, laying clothes out, and putting shoes and backpacks by the door, are all easy things you can do to help.
Sleep - Getting enough sleep is really important for you and you're entire family to get back into the swing of things. You'll have more energy to make it through all the things you have to accomplish on that busy calendar.