Game And Fish Offers Tips For The Fishing Season
As the warmer weather approaches more and more people from both inside and outside Wyoming are taking advantage of the excellent fishing that is available in the Cowboy State. With that increased activity, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department reminds everyone to follow regulations. The following are the most common fishing regulations that people should be aware of:
- Fish with a license - According to the Game and Fish, the most common fishing violation by far is fishing without a license. A fishing license is required of anglers age 14 and older. If the license is a season license a Conservation Stamp is also required. A Conservation Stamp is not required for holders of daily licenses. A fishing license is not required for resident youth under 14. Nonresident youth under 14 do not need a license if accompanied by a licensed adult, but the catch of nonresident youth must be applied to the creel limit of the licensed adult in his/her company. Resident youth can catch their own full creel limit.
- Follow limits – The general statewide creel and possession limits are found on page 4 of the Fishing Regulations pamphlet and vary by species. In addition to the general creel limit, some waters have restrictions on the numbers and species of fish that can be kept. Anglers are advised to pay attention to the number of trout that can be kept in lakes and reservoirs as opposed to the generally reduced creel limit for most streams. Exceptions to the general statewide regulations for specific streams and lakes are found in drainage area sections of the fishing regulations.
- Be aware of regulations for specific waters – There are a number of waters in Wyoming that have regulations that differ from the general state-wide regulations. For example, some waters require the use of artificial flies or lures only. Other waters may restrict the size and number of a particular species that can be kept. Still others may have closed seasons during certain portions of the year or have water craft restrictions. Definition of what constitutes artificial lures or flies or bait is found on page five of the fishing regulations. Waters which have bait, boating or season restrictions are found in the Exceptions section for each drainage.
Before going fishing, anglers are advised to check the regulations to see if any special regulations apply to the water where their fishing activity will take place.
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