Casper Man, Woman, Arrested for Endangering Child With Methamphetamine
A man and woman arrested late Wednesday for methamphetamine possession are also accused of smoking methamphetamine in an apartment while a child was present.
Ella Marie Baldwin, 25, and Russell Lee Sydow, 46, are each charged with possession of methamphetamine and child endangerment with methamphetamine.
Court documents say a Casper police officer stopped Baldwin's truck shorty before 11 p.m. after he noticed the pickup had a headlight out and no rear registration light.
The officer reportedly noticed that Baldwin had scratch marks and pock marks along her face and neck, as well as pipe burns on the inside of her lip. The affidavit says the officer knew that type of burn was common when someone uses a glass pipe.
The affidavit also says Baldwin's eyes were slow to react to light and her pupils were different sizes. So, the officer asked Baldwin to get out of the truck while his drug dog conducted a free-air sniff around the outside of the vehicle.
Court documents say the dog allegedly indicated near the driver's side door and indicated again on a cardboard box filled with trash inside the truck..
The officer allegedly found a small plastic bag with methamphetamine residue inside as well as a hard container with methamphetamine residue inside the glovebox.
When the officer confronted Baldwin with what he reportedly found, Baldwin started to cry, according to the affidavit. In her coat pocket, the officer allegedly found a small purple methamphetamine pipe with residue.
The officer arrested Baldwin.
Baldwin allegedly said she'd smoked methamphetamine with Sydow at his apartment while a child was in the living room. Baldwin also allegedly said it was her first time using methamphetamine, but knew Sydow to have used previously.
She also said she was homeless, according to court documents, but had planned to stay with Sydow for the night.
Court documents say Baldwin was taken to jail while officers went to Sydow's apartment, where they found Sydow and the child.
Sydow reportedly admitted that he had a bag containing methamphetamine residue in the bedroom.
Officers took protective custody of the child and called the Department of Family Services.
A search of Sydow's apartment allegedly turned up four jeweler's bags with methamphetamine residue, a spoon with methamphetamine residue, a plastic "tooter" with methamphetamine residue and one marijuana pipe.
An officer reportedly saw "an abundance" of children's toys throughout the home, including the areas where drug paraphernalia was allegedly found.
The paraphernalia was reportedly not secured an in an area where it would have been easily accessible by the child.
Sydow told officers that Baldwin had been staying there on and off since mid-December, according to the affidavit.
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