On Tuesday President Joe Biden signed an executive order to temporarily shut down the asylum requests once the average number of daily encounters reach a threshold of 2,500, effective immediately.

The restrictions would be in effect until two weeks after the daily encounter numbers are at or below 1,500 per day between ports of entry, under a seven-day average. Those figures were first reported by The Associated Press on Monday.

CNN reported that "unaccompanied children would be exempt—a key piece of the executive order that would worry immigration advocates who have said such an exemption could encourage some families to send children to the border on their own."

Save the Children U.S. declared that "seeking asylum is a basic human right. We've seen what happens when children and families are separated and their right to safety is restricted. We can't let that happen again."

Republican lawmakers, including Senator John Barrasso, are slamming the move as "too little, too late."

“Joe Biden and the open-border Democrats are terrified that voters will hold them accountable for the crime, the drugs, and the terrorists that are flooding into the United States. With the election only months away, the White House is panicked. They should be" said Senator John Barrasso.

In 2018 former President Donald Trump tried to ban asylum, but it was ultimately deemed unlawful by the courts.

Now President Biden will, too, face the courts. The President can enact restrictions and bans on legal immigration, but only Congress can change the current asylum law.

Republicans have said Biden could reinstate Trump's 'Remain in Mexico' policy, preventing migrants from leaving Mexico, but it would need cooperation from Mexico.

Advocacy groups are outraged, saying that any policy that effectively ends asylum protection for people fleeing danger is a monstrosity.

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