2020 Beartrap Summer Festival Cancelled; Returns in 2021 with Charlie Daniels & Bruce Hornsby
With a heavy heart, we at the Beartrap Summer Festival have made the tough decision to cancel the 2020 event, and look forward to an even bigger celebration with our festivarians next year, August 7th and 8th, 2021.
We had a great lineup planned for you this year, including the Beartrap debut of the incomparable Bruce Hornsby and The Noisemakers, and the return of the legendary Charlie Daniels Band. They, along with us and everyone in the venue, live entertainment and concert industry are reeling from the current climate for gatherings of our size in the era of “social distancing”, and deeply regret that this year’s festival is to be one of the many impacted by COVID-19.
On the bright side, this year’s stellar lineup has agreed to join us for next year’s festival, with Bruce Hornsby headlining Saturday, August 7th, and Charlie Daniels closes things out on Sunday, August 8th – further assuring that 2021 will be one of the best years in Beartrap’s history.
It’s our hope that the light at the end of the tunnel will continue to shine brighter in the months ahead and lead the way into the eventual return of more musical merriment like ours - and we will dearly miss seeing you in the meadow this year.
We also deeply appreciate the years of support from our sponsors to help bring you this unique event and keep it family-affordable, from folks like the McMurry Foundation, Hilltop Bank, Foss Motors, and others.
The COVID-19 concerns delayed the beginning of our typical festival announcements and pre-sales, so there are no tickets to refund - but if you happened to come by a pair via our donations to local charity partners, please hold on to them and rest assured that they will be honored at the next festival.
The late John Denver once said: “Music does bring people together. It allows us to experience the same emotions. People everywhere are the same in heart and spirit. No matter what language we speak, what color we are, the form of our politics or the expression of our love and our faith, music proves: We are the same.”
Until we meet again for “the experience” - Beartrap Summer Festival
LOOK BACK: Great Memories From Beartrap Summer Festival
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