Wyoming Top 100 Shooting Competition Workshops Announced
The Wyoming Top 100 Shooting Competition is kicking off. It's an initiative of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and part of a larger effort to promote shooting sports across Wyoming. According to a release from Wyoming Governor Matt Mead's office, it is a “postal match” which means it is scored on the honor system. The scores can be entered online at the Game and Fish website. The amateur level competition is open to all shooters.
Representatives from the Governor’s office, the Wyoming Game and Fish, the National Rifle Association and Wyoming’s firearms industry will be attending workshops sponsored by local shooting ranges and clubs. “We are proud of our western heritage in Wyoming. This is the first round of the Wyoming Top 100 – I hope these workshops will encourage people to get out and take part in shooting sports,” said Governor Mead.
Workshops are scheduled for:
- April 22nd in Laramie
- May 18th in Douglas
- May 19th in Lander
- May 22nd in Newcastle
- May 23rd in Gillette
- May 24th in Thermopolis
- June 12th in Rawlins
- June 13th in Evanston
- June 14th in Jackson
- June 15th in Cody
More information about locations, times and dates is available on the Wyoming Game and Fish website. A Wyoming Conservation Stamp is required in order to participate in the Wyoming Top 100.
Officials say shooting sports and outdoor recreation are important to Wyoming’s efforts to diversify the economy. The Governor has also launched the Open Ranges Initiative to increase access to public shooting ranges and the Magpul Governor’s Match, which is a national level 2-gun (semi-automatic rifle and pistol) match.
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