Disaster Preparedness, Are You Ready?
The first of September marks the beginning of National Preparedness Month.
Preparing for an unexpected disaster, natural or otherwise, means being ready if communication systems go down, fresh water is in short supply, or the electricity goes out. Thinking ahead is what the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security wants you to do.
"The key components of any pre-plan is to have a plan in place for how you will communicate with your family. Have a three day kit that has water, food, any medical supplies you may need, a radio, batteries, flashlight and a first aid kit. Those are the beginnings of a kit that can help you be prepared in the event of an emergency."
Wyoming Homeland Security Director, Guy Cameron says with help from their corporate sponsor they've created an awareness campaign with incentives.
The information campaign is centered online. Cameron says just go to their website where you can look at some short videos and maybe share a preparedness idea of your own, "When you're done with the website then you can put your personal information in, which then gets you in position to receive a prize that has been graciously donated by Holly Frontier Company here in Cheyenne."
Cameron says its the first time they're using the Internet in this way to generate awareness and get people better prepared in the event of an emergency.
Click here for a link to the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Website, http://wyohomelandsecurity.state.wy.us/npm/index.html