Casper Wants Residents to Report Faulty Street Lights
Casper officials want city residents to get lit.
No, not that "lit," as in the slang term for "slightly intoxicated."
Rather, the city is encouraging people to report streetlights that are out, flickering or damaged so they can be repaired, according to a prepared statement.
“Keeping our street lights lit helps provide safety and security to our residents, which is the main goal with this program,” street superintendent Shad Rodgers said.
Residents may report outages by visiting the city's website or calling the streets division at (307) 235-8283.
Before you report an outage, have this information ready:
- Your contact information so the the city can update you on the status of the repair.
- The address of the streetlight or the nearest cross street.
- The pole number; which can be found on a yellow metal plate or sticker that is six or seven feet up from the base of the pole.
- The problem with the light -- is it out, flickering, on during daytime, or that it has a broken lens.
If the light is part of the Rocky Mountain Power streetlight system, city employees will file a request with the company.
A tracking number will be emailed to you so the repairs can be tracked.

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