Casper Life Jacket Stations Being Stocked June 1st
The North Platte River is running high and fast and with warmer temperatures on the way, lots of folks will be headed to the banks of the river to cool off. Always remember - Safety First!
The Platte River Trails will be stocking the loaner life jacket stations beginning June 1st, 2018. These life jackets are available to anyone who will be using the river throughout the summer. You can pick up and drop off loaner life jackets at any of the 7 stations located along the North Platte River - Robertson Road, PV Park, Morad Park, Westech, Tate Pumphouse, Amoco Park and Lake McKenzie.
Any activity around water can be dangerous and it's important for children to wear a personal flotation device such as a life jacket as well as be under the supervision of an adult. It's also a good idea for anyone using the river to never go into the water alone.
Water levels on the North Platte river can fluctuate and currents can be very swift, creating hazardous situations.
The loaner life jackets are free to use, but please be mindful to return the life jackets to a station once done using them for the day. Be safe and enjoy the water this summer!