Bang-for-Buck Debate as Wyoming Lawmakers Focus on Education
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Are Wyoming students getting the best bang for their buck on education spending?
That's one question before Wyoming lawmakers as they begin to address a looming $360 million shortfall in the state's K-12 education budget.
The Senate Education Committee on Friday discussed ideas, including raising class sizes and cutting spending on transportation and school administrators.
Wyoming continues to spend more on education per student than all but a few states. Lawmakers disagree whether Wyoming students are showing good results for spending that tops $17,000 per student per year.
Democratic Sen. Chris Rothfuss, of Laramie, says Wyoming students overall have some of the nation's highest standardized-test scores.
Republican Senate President Eli Bebout, of Riverton, and Sen. Charlie Scott, of Casper, say the scores should be higher for the amount being spent.